Ehhhh... it is a trade off. Do you want to be on campus town or do you want to be dt?
Mostly people come to Champaign because they are doing something with the university.
To be honest.. all the hotels are mediocre at best here... this place has proximity to campus so it's a winner in a lot of ways.
What's terrible is the fact that the beds are terrible. I had muscle spasms in my shoulder from this bed. They don't actually clean the rooms regularly... I came back at 3 pm one time and it was completely uncleaned. The parking garage is terrible because your hotel key card never works. Breakfast food is terrible (but it's also bad at the Hyatt). It's mostly always over per diem for gsa. The after hours food is also terrible (they could have gotten a better choice of soups than chicken chowder)... and of course there is no bar (there are a ton of bars in walking distance).
I prefer Hyatt and dt a lot more but it was nice to be able to walk to almost every meeting I needed to go to.