| - Still hung over from a night of drinking we strolled into the Wicked Spoon with one idea in mind, stuffing our faces. I hadn't really slept much and still had a headache but I figured that an all you can eat paradise would get me back on track. That and maybe a couple more drinks...
Now while waiting in line to gain entry into the promised land, I did what every bored fat kid does when waiting in line at a buffet. I left my friends to sneak a peak at the goods (and maybe have a taste or two). Best idea ever!
As I walked around I noticed that they had a dope carving station with my all time favorite item...ding ding ding PORK BELLY, which was resting beside a giant leg of lamb and a perfectly cooked tri-tip. I began to drool...
Honestly at this point I didn't care for much else. I was planning on eating my weight in pork fat and slabs of rare beef and lab. I was sold. I then grabbed a few pieces of humbolt fog and headed out to meet my friends and pay.
Once in I b-lined straight to the carving station and filled my plate up like I hadn't eaten in days. Heck after leaving the carving station I didn't have much room for anything else, which worked out well because I had gotten what I came for. MEAT MEAT and more MEAT!
And we lived happily ever after...
Other notable items were the salads, cheeses, and mini appetizers. I wasn't a big fan of the pastas, or fish item I tried. Wood fired pizza was good, and I loved pureed potatoes. The Asian section kinda sucked, but the Asian section at most buffets usually suck so lets call that a wash. The desserts are kinda wack, minus the gelato and the tiny dessert thing with the mini macaron on top (so cute).
Overall I just wasn't that impressed with anything except the carving station, but like I said above it was love at first bite. In fact I'm still dreaming about that succulent pork belly and perfectly cooked beef. #beingfatrules