It's a run of the mill Walgreens and it's very close to my house, so it's the reason I continue to come back. Sometimes lines move quickly; sometimes they don't. Almost everything under the sun (razorblades, certain expensive OTC medications, etc.) seems to be locked up requiring an employee to help you, and this is usually where I hit a snag. Sometimes it's easy to find someone and others I walk around like a chicken without a head. I haven't always received the best attitude from one of the female pharmacists, but who knows if she's even still there.
I'm annoyed by their rewards system because, somewhere along the way, my husband and I both signed up separately with the same phone number and they can't just "merge" the two accounts. So we're never fully sure which one is racking up the points - mine or his - and we have to go through this whole song and dance to figure it out each time.
It's the neighborhood pharmacy so I'll be here only when I need to be...