Great experience! and I will go back again and this is why:
The last time I drew something was in my grade 9 art class...I am not creative at all and in fact, as soon as we planned to visit this place, I started to get paranoid of what I should draw.
I'm still drawing blank in my mind the moment I stepped in and after they set-up the canvas in front of me. The owners are encouraging, kept telling us that you don't have to know what you want to draw, ideas will slowly come in as you pick up the brush. They were showing us what their their customers have drawn and how they did not plan ahead and ideas just hit them naturally on the spot. Guess what, they were right!
Overall, it was a really great night, I had lots of fun and I think it is hard to believe if you are not an artsy person to begin with, you just need to give this place a try!