| - I can only do three things to my hair: straight, regular curls, or up in a clip/ponytail. My 5 year anniversary was coming up so I thought it would be fun to have someone style it for me before my fancy dinner date with Hubby. It turned out to be an irritating experience.
I planned my whole day around this appointment (4 P.M.). I hate being late to anything, so I booked it over to the Drybar and arrived right on time. The thing was, they were not on time. FAR from it. I was asked my name and then told that I would have to wait 10 minutes. 10 minutes later I was asked my name again and told to still wait. Almost 5 minutes later I was asked what my name was AGAIN and told to wait. I should have put on a name tag. This time I was told that a party came in 20 minutes late so everyone was running behind. I wanted to say "that's not my problem, how are you going to make it better?" but I like to see how good a business is by seeing how they deal with problems and how much they appreciate business. Their way: do nothing.
So 30 minutes after my appointment time (and me stewing and starting to freak out if I have enough time to get all the way home in traffic, change, do my makeup, and get to the restaurant on time), they FINALLY call me back.
The girl takes me to the back sink and asks which hair style I want. They have a "menu" of about 6 hairstyles. I said the Mai Tai. She said "Mai Tai?" I think to myself "damn it, it just gets worse." I say "yes, the beachy look." So she said "Oooooh, the one with loose big curls?" I respond with "sure" (while I mentally roll my eyes wondering what she is going to do to my hair). She washes my hair and brings me to the chair. The one good thing about this girl is that she didn't talk much, which I like since I hate trying to hear someone talk while a blowdryer is making loud noise in my ear. While drying my hair she asks which side I part my hair. I said "My bangs go this way" while I make a motion with my hand the way my bangs go. She parted it on the other side. I see a lot of the stylists have cute feathers in their hair so I ask about them. She told me they are fast and easy to do, so I say I'll go for a few. She finished styling my hair, which did NOT look beachy (my hair was frizzy at the top instead of smooth, and my curls were medium sized...which I could do myself...for free). It seemed like every customer was getting the same hairstyle (they looked like the "southern comfort" style). I saw NO ONE that had anything different which makes me wonder why they even have a menu if you don't even get a choice. I was running out of time and thought maybe the cute feathers would save the look and make it look different than what I can do myself. Nope. The feathers were thin and she said she was going to put them so I can pull them out or hide them if needed. She put them under so much of my hair and they were so thin I could hardly notice them. At this point I was just done and wanted to leave asap because it was just a disaster. I kept the extensions in for 2 weeks, and not a single person noticed them because she put them under so much hair. I will never go back and just stay with my regular stylist.
Long story short: horrible customer service and an obnoxious experience.