One of the things I knew I would miss about dumb California, is the farmer's markets. We have a ton, but this one is close to my mom's and she likes Tivoli. It's always fun, we always enjoy it. In fact, I cannot stand sausage, simply because most of it's made wrong and I'm the lucky winner of a nice grizzle ball, EVERY TIME. There's a booth that makes their own, and it's damn near close to my own bro's (we Italians take major pride in our sausage making). How can you screw up a farmer's market? Well, rumor has it that the 'Pepsi' made 'Naked Juice' trucks are on the prowl. They plan on lurking around the markets to trick the people that haven't a clue into buying their poison. Like the folks playing soccer and what not. You've been warned, people.