Avoid like the plague. New owners. Don't let them scam you out of your money. Would rate a zero. Quality of food is terrible, over cooked, greasy, and incomplete. Management has zero customer service, rude doesn't accept responsibility. Food is complete garbage and so is the management. Be smart stay away.
Shortly after this review the "Owner" contacted me wanting to get my side of the story after speaking with the "manager". Largely motivated to find a solution so he could have me remove the photos and change my review.
I told him I would consider it if the "manager" wrote a thoughtful apology and fully admitted to his actions and took accountability.
The "manager" did. I've posted a picture of the apology for everyone to see that the quality of the apology amazingly reflects the quality of service and food they are selling, ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE!
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you again.
Do not give these people your money, you're money would be better served flushed down a drain!