One of the employees really struggles with the computer/cash register. It seems like every other visit she pushes something wrong in the computer resulting in incorrect billing and incorrect services ordered. After one such error today she either refused or did not know how to void out the the transaction. Multiple times the has scribbled something on my claim ticket that was not understood and honored by other employees when I returned to pick up garments. Other times they have issued me tickets/claim receipts for my garments with other peoples name on it and other times incorrect pick up dates have been printed. This location has no sign or business card identifying who the manager is or even a number to call for customer service. (Unrelated, once I did have a a "redo" because the garment was not clean, but the zero or half-star rating is primary the result of errors pressed In the computer, the non honoring of had-revised tickets by other employees, and the unwillingness of staff to call for help when needed.) A supervisor has never been observed at this location.