There is no better place in Charlotte for geeks to buy toys and comics than Rebel Base. Yes, there might be a shinier place with better PR and its own convention, but I always feel more comfortable in this tucked-away place that's stuffed with geek treasures.
Toys and action figures are really the emphasis, but there are loads of new and back-issue comics for sale. Get a "subscription" (reserve your favourite titles to come in and pick up) and you'll receive a nice discount. You can even find a small selection of used DVDs sometimes.
If they don't have something, ask if they can order it for you. The owner and his employees are extremely knowledgeable and will help if you need it, but they won't pester you. Regulars like to hang out on Wednesdays after work -- new comic day! -- and talk before they make their purchase.
You can park in the front and head downstairs, past the Great Clips. The sign says "Comics & Toys" instead of "Rebel Base," by the way. My husband and I have started parking in the back, which might be a little harder to find but it's worth it.