Hands down the best place to park in Uptown. I even park here sometimes when my event is several blocks away.
Why so good?
- Plenty of floors of parking. Often you get up to Floor 4 or 5 on the weekend and you find tons of parking. You don't have to squeeze into a cramped space either. Everything is well marked unlike some other lots where you're not sure if it's okay to park or not.
- Staff is very friendly and professional. One time I needed a jump for my car. I told the security guard and she found this guy who worked there and he gave me a jump right away. He even refused to take a tip.
- Nice restrooms on the lower level. Good to clean up before heading out or go the bathroom before driving home. Can't tell you how many times having a clean accessible restroom late at night has come in handy. Beats having to pay a cover to use one in one of the local places.
- Overall just a cool place. Each floor has a theme and a little history about the place in Charlotte it represents.
For all this I might still go if they charged more but they charge same price as similar lots close to Epicenter. Why park anywhere else?