| - Every Sunday morning finds me and a group of friends bellied up to the bar for $1 bloody marys until noon. Mild? Medium? Spicy? They have it all. Don't want a cold glass of inebriated, spicy tomato goodness? Order something else! Low, low prices and a full bar take care of my gin and tonic friends and my diet coke friends alike!
The bartender, Rachel, is adorable, personable, and fantastic at slinging the bottle with a smile.
No real food options IN the bar (chicken wings, chicken fingers, and cheese sticks... maybe a french fry?) however, there is the amazing Weiss Deli next door and a Trader Joe's in the shopping plaza. Create a picnic and bring it in; you can even use the phone at Dylan's to order from the deli.
Jukebox, sports on TV, a pool table, and quite a few seating options (booths, hightops, and - of course - the bar!) make Dylan's a comfy regular spot for our regular get togethers.