| - Well, I'm sorry to say, we gotta bump the 5 star rating, down to a 3. We went in to pick up our new purchase on Monday, and the service shop noted the rear shocks were bad- My husband also brought along a certified mechanic, to look it over before we left, and he reported the transmission fluid was poor. My husband asked to have these things fixed, and was told no, by Chris, the used car manager. So, my husband brought the car home. Needless to say, After he explained all this to me, I flipped out. No way did I just drop $22,000 for them to send him home with a vehicle already in need of service. I told him if Chris refused to fix it, they could just take that car right on back, and we'll shop elsewhere. So, he did. He went back the next day and again, was told no. My husband called me, to see if I really wanted to give the car back- I sure was! After the threat of returning the car, Chris agreed to fix it, saying "Im not making any money, after this, we're done"
Way to do business, pal.