You head to Whole Foods when you have disposable income. It's referred to as "whole paycheck" for a reason, y'all.
Sure there are masses of old-money elderly, hipsters and hippies, but don't make eye contact and you'll be just fine.
Their standard grocery is fine except that many of the products can be found at Woodmans for 1/2 the price. Also, their soda brand is Zevia, which is a Stevia-based soda -- it is the most revolting/mediciney/bile-aftertasty soda I've consumed. The real reason to come is for their deli and bakery (especially).
Everything I've had in their deli is delicious. Of course it'll cost you at least $9/lb. My "go to" is the Roman Tuna Salad - outrageously good. Pass on the chicken parm - it's stupidly expensive and only slightly above average.
The belle of the frickin' ball is the bakery. Each item contains choice ingredients, applies the best recipe and is always baked to perfection. Mind-altering experiences come from eating their fruit tart or cheesecake. Each are good enough to hug a nearby hipster, hippy and (carefully hug) a wealthy elderly person.
The only item I tried on a lark because I knew wouldn't work in that setting was the creme brulee -- it was very tasty, but the top did not have the satisfying snap/crackle/pop as your spoon dives in.