First, let me say that I've been an on-again, off-again member for years. If always had good experiences with friendly staff and super clean family environment. Equipment is awesome with a huge variety. But, why the waivering member status????? I get bored!
My husband signed us up again after about a year break. We keep teling ourselves that we could workout and home, then we find out it never happens! (Sound familiar anyone?) So, back to the Y we go. I excitedly grab the class schedule and then the disappointment sets in. There are so few evening classes and not ones I'm interested in on the weekends. My thinking is that they cater to the retirement crowd so the concentration of classes is during the day. It's great for walking on the treadmill and zoning out, but I can't do that 3 days a week. Im not a runner so treadmill running is OUT! I need fun, aerobic classes each evening that will work around my crazy work schedule. Can I get a beginning yoga class somewhere in there?
For now, letting membership go and depending on my fellow Yelpers to guide me to a fun workout place with dance type aerobic workouts. And maybe a bitnof Yoga tossedmin Don't fail me Yelpers!