So I've reviewed quite a bit of OTFs on Yelp, but one more doesn't hurt right? Well since moving to Las Vegas and living in the Centennial Hills area, I hated the fact of driving all the way to Summerlin to get my workout on. So I was beyond excited to have this location open up less than 10 minutes away from me! +1.
So why the -1 Star. Well.... the classes are always full. Seriously. Since this is the only studio catering to the north, almost every class is always packed. I'm glad they are adding more classes, but maybe the morning classes should turn in to a 3 group class? I'm just gonna wait and see. Till then book ahead!
Other than that, the studio is great. Large and spacious in the studio so you aren't back to back with a rower/tread. Coaches here are great. Super friendly, super helpful, an A+ music all the time. It gets my push/all out going +.1 each time!
This is also the first studio I have been to that you check in with the iPad. How cool. The only downside to that is it gets a bit impersonal. You could be going for a long time and your front desk staff may still not know your name. Just sayin'. I love checking in and actually stating my name because you get to know the front desk workers too. But besides that, the front desk is super helpful. Especially when you gotta cancel out of the cancellation window. So yay to that. They're super understanding and cool with it. Because no one wants to get charged 12 dollars for missing a class.
Get out there and try a class. It seriously is the best 60 minute workout. Cardio and strength training combined with excessive calories burned.