| - It has taken me a few days to recover from the devastation that happened to my family through this organization this past Wednesday. We currently have a @14 year old Lhasa that we rescued 10 years ago. We lost our other Lhasa about 18 months ago...he was 15. Anyway, we weren't really looking to adopt another fur baby yet until this one, Bentley, came across my screen one night. He was a 2 year old black/white Shih Tzu..exactly what we wanted. His name was even the same as our other fur baby we lost. I saw him on a Wednesday evening & showed him to my husband. We discussed him again on Thursday. Friday, my hubs came home asking me if I have read the reviews for AZ Small Dog Rescue. I then looked them up & read. I said, "Well, for as many as they seem to adopt out it really isn't too many bad reviews. Plus I like to give them the benefit of the doubt as usually the only people who review complain." So we moved forward...
Bentley was going to be at an adoption event all weekend in Surprise. We live in Gilbert and are a young/working family so it's not the easiest to get out there. We didn't go on Friday. We didn't go on Saturday. By Sunday, he was STILL available so we thought this is a sign. We were told that morning that he would be at the event again that day. We drove the 1 hour 15 minutes to Surprise to meet Bentley. When we arrived, he was not there. We were then told they left him at the rescue in Phoenix as he had a little cough that morning. So off we drove again to Phoenix...25 more minutes. We finally got to meet him. Our 7 year old daughter was in love as were we. He was so sweet & just perfect for our family! They suspected he was developing kennel cough so we wouldn't be able to take him home yet. They would put him on antibiotics for 10 days then we could get him. We even begged them to pay for him right then & there, but they wouldn't accept money ahead of time. We were terrified someone would adopt him from us (read previous reviews), but they said they would put a note on his file & to call often.
I am a school teacher so I called Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday, & Tuesday. I spoke to them about Bentley's progress letting them know we still want him. They let us believe that he would be ours. On Monday & Tuesday I also talked with their vet tech who gave me the latest scoop on his progress & how to care for him after we take him home as they suspected allergies. Tuesday afternoon they called & told me we could get him Wednesday morning as the foster mom would be bringing him back to the shelter.
We didn't have school on Wednesday so my daughter & I got the house ready that morning even hanging up Bentley's Christmas stocking next to the rest of ours. We left & headed back out to Phoenix (35 miles). We arrived to find another much older lady holding the leash of Bentley. The foster mom who was standing next to her knew who I was & introduced herself to me. I asked, "Well, who is this?" Apparently, she was the other lady who also wanted to adopt Bentley. My heart dropped to the ground. I thought, "This can't be happening to us. Were the reviews my husband warned me about really true?"
They told me to fill out the application which is really nothing, and then they would decide who would get the dog. Our other dog we adopted had a much more intensive application.
After about 45 minutes of sitting there, they took the lady & Bentley to the back. About 5 minutes later the tech came up to talk to us. She said, "Well, we are drawn to you because Bentley comes from a family with kids, but unfortunately, this lady saw him first so we are giving him to her." I couldn't believe my ears. Apparently, she saw him the Friday night he was first at the Petsmart adoption event. She had that night & all day Saturday to adopt him but didn't. When we showed up on Sunday, we were ready to adopt, but they wouldn't let us. We were NEVER told there was someone else who wanted him. So we drove the long 45 minutes home in silence minus some crying. We were devastated by the actions of this place. It's one thing to do this to adults, but to do this to a 7 year old girl who had been praying for his healing every night & expected to bring him home. WRONG!!
So my husband and I have come to the conclusion that they are just about moving dogs as fast & many as they can...not really looking for the best home for each dog. They also seem to string as many people along as possible so that if one possible adoptee doesn't show then someone else is there to take them. I am completely disgusted by their business practices, and how they led us on believing he would be ours.
We will never go back to this shelter, and I hope you heed our warning. I should have listened to the reviews to save my family this heartache.