We were sailing high on our little family trip to Cleveland until Goodtime III sunk it. We arrived for the 6 o'clock Rush Hour cruise an hour early- paid cash to park. That's when the sinking feeling started. We saw the boat had steps only to the upper decks. That meant our Emma would be trapped inside the enclosed deck in her wheelchair on this gorgeous late afternoon, never to feel the wind on her face. The Goodtime representative on the telephone misrepresented the statement about the boat being handicap-friendly. But it gets worse. The employee who invited us to book our family on this Rush Hour tour failed to inform us it was a drunk cruise. We were prohibited from boarding because our children were under 21. It was a wasted drive through downtown into rush hour to have the Goodtime III disappoint and pulled the plug on what had been a family friendly trip. Goodtime III marooned us on the lakeshore of what we thought was a clean, vibrant city accessible to the disabled.