| - I LOVE THIS PLACE! I had been taking my dog Emma to the Queen West Animal Hospital for about 7 years. A few months ago Emma started showing signs that she wasn't feeling well. When we took her to Queen West, they did expensive tests and still couldn't tell me what was wrong with me. Don't get me wrong, Queen West is really friendly and the clinic itself is pristine...but the cost of their more serious medical services is just crazy. This is the first real serious medical issue we've ever had with our dog, and Queen West was ok for things like check ups, and minor ear infection etc etc. So I looked around and found Bathurst Dupont Animal Hospital. Not only did we get a solid diagnosis, but we are getting the one on one interaction, information, and treatment we need and deserve for half the price. Dr. Attila Koroknai is such a wonderful person, soft spoken, intelligent, articulate, and genuinely invested in YOU and your DOG. Emma was diagnosed with late stage was very painful news, but Dr. Attila has given us a kind of peace in his interactions with us that is making this time in our lives much easier to bare. I'm so thankful that this place exists. They have my respect, trust and endorsement.