I am a HUGE fan of national parks. Lately, my love for the outdoors has temporarily taken a back seat, but I always make sure to take my visitors here so they can get away from the strip and experience the peaceful recluse that the Red Rock Canyon offers. Being surrounded by glorious rock formations and spectacular panoramic views are such a treat. There's something for everyone here, whether you are a novice or experienced hiker/climber/horseback rider/runner/walker/bicyclist/photographer you are guaranteed to find something you'd enjoy.
For the average tourist or nature lover, make sure you don't leave your cameras at home, as the 13-mile scenic drive will offer plenty of breathtaking views. I highly suggest to visit at least twice: one in the early morning hours and one towards sunset to get the most out of your photo-ops.
Scenic Drive Hours:
Open 6 a.m. year-round
Close 5 p.m. Nov-Feb; 7 p.m. Mar-Oct; 8 p.m. Apr-Sep
Lastly, make sure you stop by the visitor's center. The Calico Hills view is amazing! The volunteers and workers are armed with incredible knowledge about the conservation area and they're always eager to share a delightful story or two.
Note: If you're affiliated with the military, make sure you take advantage of the FREE national parks/federal recreational lands ANNUAL PASS (normally fees are $80). The website lists it as free only to active duty members, but if you actually visit www.nps.gov website, it's applicable to ALL U.S. military branches AND their dependents, including Reserves/National Guard.
Note 2: Red Rock Canyon is Fee Free today! (MLK Jr. Day 21 January). Other free fee days are 28 September (National Public Lands Day) and Veterans Day Weekend (November 9-11).