I am only giving it 2 stars because the masseuse staff is good BUT I've been there twice now and both times the customer service was EXTREMELY disappointing!!! This may be a long review but hopefully the owner of this business reads it and wants to improve the experience customers are having because this last experience took the cake!!!
"Open 9am-9pm" is a joke. I have to schedule appointments of any kind later in the day to avoid having to take my 18M old with
I made an appointment for 530pm then got a call the day before to ask if I could change the time at all because the masseuse I had requested had her previous appointment end at 430pm
I said I'd have to see if I could make earlier arrangements for my son and that Id call back. When I called back at 6pm no one picked up so I left a message that I could be there by 5pm the next day
Come the day of I was able to leave even earlier so I got there at 4:40pm but the door was locked & had a "Be Back in 5mins" note
Then the side office door opened and the masseuse apologized and let me in the office door.
Then I heard the receptionist shout from the sidewalk "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"
The masseuse replied "Just letting a customer in!"
When the woman receptionist walked into the lobby she had a confused look and said "Customer!? Do you have an appointment?!"
I explained that yes I did have an appointment, originally at 530 but had changed it to 5 and then was able to come in earlier
She had been grocery shopping and set her bags down on the desk, and said "Oooh! GOOD! We were just talking about what we were gonna do for an hour waiting around for you!"
I said "You got my message about changing the time right? So it was only 30 mins?"
Her - "Oh, yeah"
So already she was making me feel like a huge inconvenience and it soon became very apparent that even at 4:40pm I was the last appointment of the day for the entire facility.
The massage was good and I have no complaints there.
It ended by 5:45pm and the receptionist already had her drawer out on the desk and was counting it
I handed her a giftcard I had got for my birthday, my boyfriend told me he'd asked twice to make sure this would get me an hour massage so the male receptionist took out a sharpie and wrote "60min massage" on the back.
But the woman looked at me confused and asked "What is this?!"
I thought a gift card with the words "LaVida Massage" on it would be pretty self-explainatory but I explained anyways.
She asked if I wanted to put a tip on the card and I said "Im not sure how much is on there. But I have cash for the tip."
She spent 10mins trying to convince me to become a member which I kept politely declining...but she was really pushing it and said "Just get it now and save $20 then cancel the membership at the end of the month!" Which I once again said "No thank you!"
Finally she swiped the gift card and told me yes there was enough to cover my massage (well geez thanks considering thats what the gift card was for!)
I said great and proceeded to hand her a $20 and asked for change so I could leave a tip for the masseuse. (Mind you I had already stated to her "I have cash for a tip")
She gave me a dirty look and said very loudly "ARE YOU REALLY GONNA DO THIS TO ME?!?"
Me - "Excuse me??"
Her - "Ive already counted out my drawer! You're gonna make me give you change??"
Me - "Uhh well Id like to leave a tip."
So after a few huffs and eye roll she finally broke my $20 and handed me back change. I took out a tip and handed it to her and she snatched it and slapped it on the desk while continuing to mumble to herself and correct her drawer count out.
No thanks...no have a good night...NOTHING!!!
I said "Well...have a good night" and left.
I can only hope the tip actually made it to the masseuse!!!
I am still in shock by how much the woman was just SO EXTREMELY DISREPECTFUL!
As a former retail store manager I would have let any one of those things slide once for an employee...but put them all together in just one day and it would have resulted in immediate disciplinary action!!! Because anyone who wants to stay employed just does not act like that!!!
*Grocery shopping on the clock
*Poor work ethic
*Leaving registered unlocked and open
*Treating customer with disrepect
*Overall bad attitude and refusal to uphold company standards and motto!
She completely ruined my experience and now I understand why despite being open 9am-9pm that appointment schedules are dwindling!
I can only hope for the sake of your business that you wise up and take responsibility for your employees and the experiences they are giving customers before you're forced to close your doors forever!
Ive already told my boyfriend to never get me a gift card there again!
Its sad too because I live close and would continue going there anytime I wanted a massage if it werent for the rudest receptionist ever!