Updated as I was left a note that customers are taken in the order that the computer informs them to: Please note that this was not the issue. Issue one was that an employee was handling personal phone business. Issue two...an elderly couple coming in, looking for help and being met with a rude employee. I spoke up at one point because it was clear that they weren't understanding what they needed to do because it wasn't being explained. Final issue...making me wait because an employee is handling personal business while at work. A brother, cousin, relative of some kind came in talking with the employee about another relative's car title...an extension of the personal phone call. Personal business should be handled in personal time. As a supervisor in my agency, this is something that would be unacceptable from one of my employees.
I haven't been here for more than 5 minutes and am writing this review...which should tell you something. Upon walking in, the employee was on a personal phone call while shoving snacks in her face. I had to wait for her to stop chewing before she could address me. She then told me I needed t wait and that she would be with me in a minute. This was fine since i arrived early for my appointment. She finished up her personal business and seemed to be preparing to meet with me when another customer came in. She took care of this individual's needs as I continued to sit. They have a fish tank that I pray houses no fish, considering that it is green and hasn't been cleaned in God knows how long. It smells in here because of it. Unless you need to come here for fingerprints and can only use this location, don't.