| - Yeah, it's a burger king. You cant expect much. However, at the leat I would expect to be treated as an adult human being when talked to by another human being. My example started out simple enough. They got my order wrong. No huge deal. I asked for no onion and no mayo on my burger, which happened to be a double whopper. I had ordered through the drive through with my wife because we were pressed for time before a movie started. We started eating in the movie theatre parking lot, and I noticed that my burger had the two things that I asked not to be on it, after the drive thru repeated it back to me "double whopper, no onion no mayo". Again, not a deal breaker. I called and informed them that my burger was wrong. The guy who answered put who I could only assume was his manager, She Satan. She answered the phone and said, "Yeah, you got a problem with your burger?" No hello, nothing. I said,"Yeah I ordered my burger with no mayo and no onion." She said, "I find that hard to believe since our burgers don't come with onion or mayo." Now I am getting a little perturbed. You start off the phone call rudely, then you accuse your customer of lying. I said, "I am looking at it right now, and it has both on my Double Whopper." She said, "Oh, Double Whopper? That isn't a burger. " Get the hell over yourself lady. After that, she was just playing with me. I said, "Nevermond, I am never returning to this place again."
If you want to be treated like trash, go to this place.