| - They don't have enough swamp coolers, even for September. We dripped with sweat while standing in the saunalike heat of the place. Inevitably, I got ripped off by one of their vending machines and the staff didn't care,even though the sign said they're authorized to issue refunds. Machines constantly need shepherding and prodding by management to run through an entire cycle, and I learned to look at the displays first to be sure it was working - they don't keep up with the signage either to tell you which machines are broken. (How hard can that job be??)
Besides the fact already noted that inevitably you end up with a magneto-card with ten cents on it, damning you to a cycle of re-visits for a card that never gets fully used up, the worst part of the "coinless" experience is that YOU NEED BILLS to load to your nifty "coinless" space-age-Jetsons-magneto-card - the stupid machines NO CAMBIO GOD DAMMIT, which is Spanish for "they don't accept change". So forget about your typical laundry-day dash through your car's change tray and rooting through your pockets. It will help you not.
Floor and bathroom are clean enough. Admittedly it's no worse than most laundromats, but don't let anybody tell you it's anything special. At least it's not the the hellish Econo-Wash down the street at 15th and Indian School, which is like heading to a third-world country, grab your pith helmet, quinine pills and snake stick..
Despite the reviews below, this laundromat had *no* WiFi at all in 2013. Maybe they did at one point, but it must have broken down like everything else, or maybe they're trying to figure out still how to charge for that, too. Husband adds plaintively, "Can't the Health Department require WiFi in all laundromats?"