I've been to this buffet a couple of times previous when it was Station's Feast Buffet. This was my first trip since the ownership changed. This review is based upon a lunchtime visit.
The buffet was nice and clean and the wait staff were very friendly.
Now, for the food........ I'll start with what I thought was decent.
Most of the salad bar is just fine; there could be an expansion of the salad toppings and that would be a plus, but no real complaints here. I did think the cold broccoli salad was pretty good. Also, the selection of gelato is quite nice and tasty.
Now, for what definitely needs improvement:
The majority of the hot items are similar to what you would find in a high school cafeteria. Seasoning is not in the cooking staff's vocabulary. There are too many items that are deep fried and that just does not have a long holding time and hence the quality suffers.
All in all, I think I probably discarded 3 full plates of food that just wasn't worth eating.\
I still felt like I got my money's worth by taking a couple of trips through the cold salad bar and a number of plates from the dessert bar.