Saturday night really ticked me off! I was at Bremnar & Spadina about 8pm via TTC! DIRTY WORDS!! Not being good to walk I waited 20 minutes for a bus to get me to King where you have to jump on the streetcar. All the streetcars were in a hold position on Spadina! My toes were still hurting next day from being freezing. I finally jumped in a cab up to the station. Showed the ticket girl my transfer and explained no streetcars were moving and could I use that as proof of payment. She KNEW everything was on hold cause the firetrucks were right outside the door. I had just spent $15 on a cab and she made me pay another fare. Why! Because TTC had 'technical difficulties'. I should have stayed there waiting in sub zero till my toes fell off I guess waiting for a streetcar that never came! I was so mad! They have zero compassion or common sense. I hate TTC after this and all I could think about was, what if that initial fare had been all I had? Would I have had to walk home and freeze in a snowbank? Then they have the nerve to increase fares constantly. Now to me TTC simply means Take The Car!