I ordered a sofa yesterday from Ikea. I went to Pittsburgh store location. Since i don't have a pick up truck I paid 59 dollar for delivery . The sofa was supposed to be deliver tonight between 5 to 9 pm based on the time I set with the Ikea salesperson. I waited patiently at home. I got a phone call (machine) from delivery company that said that the delivery is postponed to Tuesday 21 April, between 5 to 9 pm. I was furious because nobody will be at home on that time. I called the Ikea. Waiting 30 minutes until I got the operator. The lady who finally answer my phone said the the delivery company is overbooked. I asked if i could cancel my order, the lady transferred my call to another department. After waiting for another 30 minutes a customer service answered my call. She said the same thing. Delivery company is overbooked. I told the lady that if they could not deliver today, I want to cancel my order. And suddenly she said my order will be delivered within one hour. So i said thank you and closed the call. However after 9:30 pm there is still nobody here delivering my sofa. I could not believe that Ikea has a very bad customer service. And the lady just plainly lied to me about the delivery of my sofa. I called Ikea again just now. but they are closed already. I am really disappointed with Ikea and its customer service