| - I called the Pew Law Center after several 40 minute consultations while I was shopping around for an attorney, and I informed them that I did not wish to endure another consultation and just wanted to know their fees. They were completely ridiculous and refused to give me any information without one, so I grudgingly made a phone appointment. I later decided that I didn't feel like wasting my time with their office when ALL I wanted was a price, and no one would give me one. After awhile 40 minute conversations about stresses and finances start to get depressing, you know? I knew from my previous appointments with other attorneys EXACTLY what I wanted and that I qualify for it, and these guys are treating me like I'm totally incompetent.
NOPE. The Pew Law Center REFUSES to be ignored! So far, I have received at LEAST 15 phone calls, 2 letters, and multiple emails. They will not leave me alone!
By the way, I was able to figure out via Yelp that they are actually the most expensive office that I have been interviewing, but have the poorest reviews. It's sad that I have so many people hounding me, but paying clients can't even get anyone to answer their emails. It's obvious this place is just a money making machine and nothing else.