Brought my sons quad in to have it gone through and it came to $350. Half the price of the quad. Not upset at the price however when I picked it up it was leaking oil and had a terrible exhaust leak which it didn't have when I heft left it. The owner (Eric) said I don't know what you expect for $350 and walked off and mumbled "don't pay for it then " and shut the door behind him when I was still trying to ask a question. I payed his price without a problem and know that I won't be back. Seeing his temper flare up over something so small isn't good business. I run a business and would never do that to a customer because I know I would be outta business in no time. I don't write this to be hateful or anything like that. I write this to tell my story for those who do their do diligence and research before using a business. I am regretful that I have to explain to my wife why I spent that much money on my sons quad and it still sounds like poop and leaks oil