I have been very excited to move into the 801 Turney apartments and put my deposit down weeks ago. Unfortunately the roaches got to my future apartment before I did. I saw a lot of dead roaches upon walk through and though hesitant was still going to lease the place because they were going to rent to me for six month which I needed. I'm finishing grad school in May and wanted the freedom to apply out of state without the stress of subletting. I changed my mind about renting when a current tenant came into the office very upset about her infestation and how she has had the problem the whole time she has lived there. She was so upset about it and the fact that there was new management again that she eventually broke out into tears. That was my cue that I needed to find another apartment. The location is great but I can't afford to have a bug problem. Also they don't seem to want to give me my deposit back.