| - Burns is the worst service provider .Please don't ever call them to get things done.we are obliged to entertain them because our property have hired them for pest control.Worst customer service,they put fines for everything,even if u prepare ur apartment for treatments they find flaws and start to fine.They are money making swindlers.No compassion for their customers.I am pregnant advised bed rest,and I am alone as my husband is traveling,I asked the lady who came for the treatment to just wait for 2mins cause I was making something to eat,I stopped making and I was putting all the stuffs inside,she dint wait,she was downright rude on me,even after telling her my condition.Have you lost humanity and compassion for your customer? On what grounds are you doing business?What are your principles?On top of that she fined me 300 dollars.I wish I wouldn't have to rate you even with one star.I wish that our apartment complex stop hiring this morons for service.Even their pest control is awful,they never do it properly,the problems keep persisting,we had to hire from outside on our own expense to get rid of it.