So there I was in Phoenix on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I had just met with an old friend for a much too quick lunch before she had to go on a field trip. Guess they still do those in college, who knew?! We parted ways when I received a call from her that it was open to anyone and we could continue catching up... sure I said, as I love exploring random interests.
I board the bus with my friend and a group of Sustainability degree seeking students. We soon find ourselves in Glendale, AZ in a very normal neighborhood in front of a very normal, clean, green landscaped house... nothing screamed farm at me and the only reason I knew we were in the correct place (besides the fact the bus stopped here) was a tent which said Urban Farm on the side.
He was very into himself and the conversation was more Q and A style than anything else. Great as it involves the crowd however I felt more educational topics could have been covered. It felt at times as though he were speaking down to a group of second graders instead of the college students and adults in front of him.
Diverse plants and trees were explored as were different ways to cultivate. Also loved the chickens.
An interesting time for those interested in the not so average.