There are other BETTER chiropractic clinics in town.
I'll tell you my horrific experience.
I had amazing chiropractor, but we had to change to this shitty clinic because of the convenience on distance. Pardon my English, English is my second language.
I was a new patient, and they were extremely unpleasant. They didn't greet me, but that's alright because they looked extremely busy anyways.
I was seen by Dr. Calder ANNNDD the 14 page of questions began. I was genuinely respectful, and Dr. Calder was extremely disrespectful to me when I didn't understand his questions. I was confused. This was my first visit and he belittled me like I was a little kid.
The therapy after was a mess. It smelled like a week old pool. And you can tell the patients were miserable.
So unless you want to be treated like an inconvenient diseased person, come here! They'll gladly take your money and treat you like a piece of shit.