| - Crepe, crepe, crepe it up! I needed a crepe while I was in Canada last week (yes, I said needed) and I trusted all of you fellow Yelpers to help me pick a place, and as always, you did not disappoint. 4 Stars is a perfectly accurate rating, as the food is great and the service is "eh" at best. My sweet tooth and I ordered the chocolate-chip and banana crepe, and it was a lot like eating chocolate chip pancakes, but with just a hint of peanut butter. I am a peanut butter fiend and I definitely could have used more of the peanut butter and less of the chocolate chips, but hey, you live and learn, amiright?! Don't get me wrong, it was very good, but with all the unique options at Crepe It Up, I definitely dropped the ball on my crepe choice. I should have chosen the peanut butter and jelly crepe, and yes, I am still kicking myself over it a whole week later. My girlfriend went the savory route, as she always does, and chose the eggs Benedict crepe...she loved it! As I mentioned earlier, the service was highly disappointing; the cashier was particularly dry and unhelpful and the food took an usually long time to arrive. Also, I ordered a cafe mocha and ended up with a hot there's that. Despite these pitfalls, however, I would absolutely, 100%, go back to Crepe it Up next time I'm in Canada--and I think that says a whole lot about how great these crepes really are!