They really went above and beyond! I saw Dr. Susun Kim in December about an area on my lip that kept peeling. She said it was sun damage and might become dangerous, so she froze it with liquid nitrogen. That didn't make it go away, so I went back in January and she prescribed an ointment that's supposed to gradually dissolve the irregular cells. Only problem: when I went to the pharmacy, they said it would cost $800 - after insurance!!! Needless to say, I didn't get the prescription filled, and the pharmacist said he'd call the clinic. I was preparing to call the clinic and read them the riot act for recommending something so expensive. Before I had a chance to do that, someone from the clinic called and said they had been working with the pharmacy to try to get a cheaper substitute, but no luck. They had called around to all their other clinics and rounded up enough free samples to take care of me. Wow! I'm impressed. P.S. The ointment seems to be working.