The line is the best! 18 stations for their clerks and only 2 are open! So the 15 people in line get to become more familiar with one another. Finally a guy from Thrifty comes over and takes us to Thrifty desk for help (same company). They got us almost all ready then tried to give us a 12 person extension van. We ordered a compact. They said to get the compact we had to pay more than our reservation. Insane! Clerk said not enough regular cars compacts and midsize so we have to pay more. So basically she conned us out of $48 extra dollars. When we go out to get the car guess what? There aren't even any bans in the lot which was FULL of regular sized cars and jus a few small SUVs. I asked two attendants and they thought it was crazy what we were told. I'm calling upon returning from our trip to ask for a refund.