Use another company. There are too many companies out there that will appreciate your business, keep you posted about your belongings and care about providing good customer service.
So many issues, no consistency, poor communication and no solutions. Told belongings would be stored in a warehouse in same state we were moving to(even went as far to give us an address, name and number to manager of storage place) but belongings ended being stored in the state we moved from. At least we thought; the driver of the truck stated that he picked the items up in a completely different state.
Changed delivery date on us three times. Which made it very difficult to schedule other moving help. Their mentality is, "We've got your stuff so not our problem".
Multiple items broken. Riding lawn mower stored upside down and broken. Rocking recliner broken, multiple plates, chair backs completely snapped in half. Boxes of another persons home were mixed in with ours and movers almost gave us their boxes. So no telling if we got all our belongings.
Choose another company.