| - I know I know i reviewed Hula already, but i can only give them 5 stars at a time and i feel they deserve 100 plus!
It was my birthday yesterday and my pick of places to go so i picked Hula! i LOVE, love, love this place. i was lucky girl got the same waitress from before, and her name is Ginger, ask for her, beautiful, on the money with service and sweet as can be. though i am sure all the staff is like that.
I got to meet the owner Dana, he is the warmest, sweetest man alive, really! i adore him!
We sat outside it was beautiful, the patio had a great mix of all kinds of people, i love that, and someone had there doggy there and i really LOVE that part! I had drinks of course and there is no better place in town for drinks, hands down! They are strong, sweet and will make you go home and do dirty birdy stuff for sure!
Dinner!!! AMAZING!!!
I ordered fish and picked it prepared jerk style, it was sooo good, i have never had jerk style sauce but highly recommend it. it came with rice and plantains and some thing called johnny cakes i think? it was kinda like cornbread but even better i could eat it everyday!
My b/f got the jerk chicken it was so tender and moist and all the flavors blended well together, amazing, i may have to get that next time!
We also had a half order of sweet potato fries before dinner, HEAVEN!! and a half order was HUGE, we took some home with us as well as some of our dinner. the sauce that comes with them is sweet and tangy, get them!!!
We also had banana cream pie. it is not like the kind you get in the store It was so damn good! it had a half graham cracker half chocolate bottom, then the banana cream part and bananas on top, my mouth was happier than it had ever been!
Everyone NEEDS to go here, you will love it and walk away feeling full and part of a caring family.
This is hands down my favorite place to go in Arizona!
Ohh and i have yet to try Sunday brunch but am planning on it very soon! i wanna take doggies with so they can enjoy as well!
Say Hi to Dana while your there he will treat you so good, he took VERY good care of me, Thanks buddy!!xoxoxox
Go, right now! this second, ~
ALSO..For the reviewer Patti S....
Harsh, harsh, harsh..I had the Same DRINKS YOU HAD AND THEY WERE FAR FROM BITTER..REALLY? BLOOD ORANGE HAPPENS TO BE ON THE SOUR OR AS YOU PUT IT BITTER SIDE..And the Pinapple taste was there, i had PLENTY of drinks and i tasted it..
There is no way that you can even begin to say the rice was screwed up, really/ i had the same rice you had and it was perfect, maybe because it was not made from a boil in bag you did not realize what REAL rice is..
Please people disregard patty's review, it was her first one, and she is a snowbird from probably south Dakota this place is rocking and happening, and anyways who uses the word ucky/ i would not trust a review from someone \that is that bland..Yeah go back to Trader Vic's nothing like a nice chain restaurant, maybe hit Denny's in the am for breakfast...I give it 100 plus wanted to try something real and not a casserole and you were far from your safety zone Patti s, that's all, plain and simple...