Very friendly place If you are looking into hanging out with friend who want to do something artsy, the space of the location is good for group activitiy, they offer workshop for 45$ however u might be able to find special promotions on Groupon. AdditionAlly, if you don't finish ur painting u can leave it there with them for maximum of 7 days and u may pay 5$ extra to continue painting it next time. I witness the workshop, they would have a group of approx 10-15 people n the person who teaches will decide on what to paint and how to do it and show u techniques on doing them. Quite helpful and quite worth it if u want to improve in drawing or just want some ideas or inspiration. Overall, I find this place very warming n fun, staff were friendly as well. I enjoyed my time with my friend painting here, was quite relaxing and it made me get back on my art zone lol.