Great service from our server. The staff were sweet about accommodating us with our child for an early NYE meal. We went because my husband takes his clients for a quick lunch (usually burger & fries) and said it was good. As a ex-chef, I trust his choices. Food was...ok. Not the worst nor the best meal ever. I thought the food was ok until I got violently ill 4-5 hours after at around 10:30-11:00pm. Was it the food handling? I don't know but I was fine by about 1:30 am when my stomach settled. It is possible but not for sure that this was the source since my husband had exactly the same food all day-he prepared at home (he has food handling courses and experience). Also, I had no other symptoms after. We are super hand washers and use hand sanitizer all the time. I know a sneeze could transfer germs but I try to be cautious, avoiding ill people. Luckily, what my husband and child had didn't make them sick. My child said (after crying until I stopped vomitting), "No more Redwater" I am not sure about that, but, it was a New Year's Eve I hope to soon forget. Note: I had one alcoholic drink, a small glass of wine. This was the only alcohol I had that day/night. A nurse confirmed it could be related to food handling, for example someone passed germs or was ill...I will consider trying this place again in the future. Staff deserve five stars because they were super friendly and accommodating.