| - Imagine being in the bathroom right after you had a case of explosive diarrhea from under-cooked chicken... That ladies and gents, is still a much better option than being in this sorry place.
Food was terrible, service was non-existent and the owner looked like he was overdue for a nice beating to the face. Came in to order some fish tacos, 50 mins later, had a plate of soggy shells and a mixture of foul tart like substances. After barely finishing one, I called for the bill. This is where it got interesting. The waitress, for reasons unknown, refused to bring it. She must have felt my misery and decided 50 mins was not enough suffering for my gentle soul. A cruel creature this one was, fitting for such a nasty place.
Unless you are a masochist who enjoys pain and suffering, DO NOT, for the sake of your humanity, ever visit this place. STAY FAR AWAY!!