| - First off, a nice older man came an took measurements and drew up a plan to install cabinets. (September 30, 2014) I didn't want my only electrical outlet covered, so I could access it easily. Sure enough when the actual crew of young guys came, the outlet was covered. (October 3, 2014). Their solution was to make a HOLE in my new cabinet for my electrical cords to go through. It's not only ugly, but I'm always afraid of what may have crawled in that cabinet through the hole. But, I let it go.
Fast forward, (October 16, 2015), as I was coming home, I opened my garage door to pull my car in, and the wind blew a set of doors COMPLETELY OFF. I thought they must not have been secured properly in the first place, but I wasn't worried, because I knew I had a warranty for as long as I own the house. Turns out, that's not covered. They will charge me $65 for someone to even come LOOK at it. They call it an act of God, I call it shoddy work. The MATERIALS they used are covered under warranty. The makeshift ways they install the materials are not covered. They compared it to the wind coming through my front door and blowing over a vase! WHAT???? Freestanding vase vs. well-built and secured garage cabinets? No comparison. Vase vs. improperly secured plywood? Yeah. I get it now.
If I had it to do over, I would have gone with another company.
Mediocre workmanship, and even WORSE customer service.