I really like this location for Home Depot. It is easy to get to being right off of the 101 freeway.
When ever I go there is always reasonable parking and enough shopping carts. The employees at this location are easy to find in every isle and are beyond friendly and helpful. Many just stop me to chit chat with me about my baby. This to me shows they take an interest in their customers and it makes me feel welcome.
A good note to say also is they can figure out what a "thing a magig" is your looking for and never have looked at me like "OMG we have another stupid women"! I often bring a picture of what I need and I do not know the names of parts well, they treat me respectfully and often laugh with me rather then at me for my frustrations of being construction handicapped.
The very large selection of items, I always find what I am looking for or something that is equal to comparable. Prices are reasonable for almost all items. The do have I feel the best pricing for chlorine for pools.
One thing I do not like about this location is there is a lot of static in the place. I am always in flip flops and tend to drag my feet...... so if you do this also bring a cloth to wrap your cart handle with otherwise the metal on the cart will shock you. This although will not stop me from going back. My son however gets a kick out of me jumping from my shock treatments.
I have not noticed any illegal day laborers hanging out near here as I have read in another persons review. This however does not mean they are not there but I have not noted any of them so this has not been an issue for me. I do know some other home depot that this is a huge problem at. But on that note.... At least these people are looking for a job trying to support their families weather illegal or not.