| - I used to love Bulldog and would go there every time I was in the hood. Lately, tho', (again, today!), there is a dude behind the counter who has a nasty attitude. For a few years, I'd been going in getting espresso poured over a small cup of ice. No prob, right? Aside from the amazing coffee, the staff were so so chill and welcoming. I took friends there, returned often, etc. Then, I went a month or so ago and ordered the same and this guy, who was new to me, charged me a buck for the little cup of ice. Oh, new price? I attempted a little levity. He not only insisted I was wrong and that ice costs a lot of money (?!), he made me feel awful for even asking. I shut my mouth, took my coffee and slunked out. He's a fluke, I thought. The reg staff will return. I waited. I tried it again today. Same bad 'tude from this same guy but this time I just got my express ($3) and laid a fiver on the little tray. Mistake.
With my mind on him (how come he was in such a nasty mood today too (was it me?), I walked off without my change. He never asked me for payment, so it didn't occur to me to take change. I just left the bill there. When I returned a couple of minutes later, hoping I wasn't going to catch bloody hell, I asked for my change. He insisted he never saw the fiver. He asked his colleague. She said she didn't see it either. He was not going to give me my change. But how come he didn't ask me for payment? And how come he would go out of his way to behave this way to a once devoted customer? I don't know. There are no shortage of coffee places. I am done with Bulldog.