This is the home of the HAIRY chicken. That's right HAIRY chicken.
I went to Pusateri's on Church and picked up a roasted chicken that is located by the cash register. It was about $10,00 packed in a plastic container. I took it home and started to cut it up for dinner. While pulling it apart I took a bite of the drumstick and too my disgust the entire leg of the drumstick was hairy--GROSSSSS!!!!
I took a better look at the chicken and there was hair all over it. YECCH!!
I brought it back to them and showed them what a disgusting chicken they sold. They apologized and gave me an exchange, even larger than the one I originally bought.
You'd think if they had a return and a complaint they would check out the replacement chicken.
Well I brought the chicken replacement home and guess what it was worse than the first one. It looked like short pubic hairs up and down the drumstick and on all along the breast. Can you believe the incompetence on this grocer?
Had to go all the way back yet again to return this HAIRY chicken- got my money back and NEVER to return.
I don't know if I'll be able to eat chicken for a good long time.