I have been visiting this store for a couple of years now and didn't have any major complaints....that is until today. My family and were browsing through their "furniture" section and found a train table that my son absolutely loved! It had a few scratches on it and needed to be cleaned but for the listed price of $17.99 it was great. Upon getting it up to the front of the store the cashier called another employee up to help. Upon inspecting the table, the employee called over said that the price is $80!! $80 I exclaimed! I can purchase a new one for that price. My husband pointed out the 4 price stickers on the table all of which said $17.99. Still they didn't budge. Heck, even Walmart has a policy where if something is mis marked they give it to you for that price plus take off $2. They gave us the lame excuse that they didn't realize the drawers came with it and because they did, it was marked $80 and that someone must have mis marked the price. So upon this reasoning, the table was just about $20 making each draw $30?? There were refrigerators in there for $30!! I told my husband that an employee must have seen it and wanted it for themselves...funny, I told some friends about this experience and without hesitation they said the same thing "an employee must have wanted it for themselves." I didn't know that was general practice for Goodwill. Still debating if it is even worth it to confront them on this matter....or maybe I'll just run down to Fry's and purchase a brand new one for $60! What is the point of going to Goodwill and buying used stuff, if you can get it brand new...and for less?!? Meanwhile my son is asking where his train table is.....