| - What can i say that hasn't already be said time and time again about this California burger staple. I left California a little over three years ago and when I'm craving a taste of home In-N-Out is where I go. Meat, cheese, grilled onions, tomatoes and lettuce a classic and tried but true combination. An unstoppable, planet aligning equation guaranteed to provide any , man enough, consumer with a tender, juicy, run down your forearms experience. Put a double double with grilled onions in front of me and it's on, a shark weekesk feeding frenzy not for the faint of heart. Mothers shield their childrens eyes as the carnivorous food orgy commences. A flesh ripping, sauce slurping, finger licking no holds barred burger grudge match. Like a great white shark leaving no evidence of the massacre behind, except for the random pools of sauce and gooey cheese drippings letting people know something seriously wrong happened here, something gluttonously psychotic, something delicious.