I came here to do some work on a Friday night at 6:15ish. I assumed they only had coffee. NOPE, they have CRAFT BEER too. Ya girl was hyped when she picked up the clipboard menu at the register and read that there was a craft beer section.
I had a mental debate...well I'm here to do some homework... then the devil on my shoulder said "but you did write your best papers in your undergrad under the influence." I gave in and decided to order a beer instead of a latte.
I asked the barista/bartender what his fave beer was, he mentioned something about a golden monkey, so I quickly replied, I'll take it! He rang me up and said that's $4 and some change, and our happy hour ends at 7pm. WHAT? Ya'll Harry Potter coffee slangers got a happy hour on craft beer? He replied with, yes its $2 off. I immediately decided that I will be coming here from now on instead of the Starbucks .02 miles away. Let's just say the beer had hints of banana and goodness.
Thank you Bad Owl! I was able to complete my work, drink some delicious beer, draft some wizardry within my homework and feel great all at the same time. I will definitely come back have a beer and try your coffee.