Note to self: Never a good idea to sit next to a bowl of Ramen soup that looks like a zombie prop from the movie 28 Days Later especially when you are severely hungover.
My Yelp buddies south of border, Janelle P. and her husband TJ hit up the mean streets of the GTA in search of good eats and when the invite showed up to join them for a bite I couldn't resist. Funnily enough it seems that every time I do get together with them we find ourselves eating Japanese food! I know the truth about these two though. As much as it appears they are chow hounds on the loose the real reason they travel north is for the love of hockey. I expect to see them a few more times before the winter has passed.
I was sporting a major hangover when Janelle sitting next to me got her Ramen soup and when she began to stir it up I felt queasy. Maybe I'm just one episode of Dexter over the line but I swore it looked like body parts floating in that bowl. This is supposed to be appetizing how?
I ordered Ginger Pork with Rice plate. I'll be damned if I could even remotely taste a hint 'o ginger. The only ginger in this place was the colour of the hair streaks on the young teen like waitress who took my order. The meat was slivered very thin, almost shaved and it was juicy and moist but it was completely void of any flavour or seasoning. If I wasn't already feeling the need to drink a gallon of water I would have asked TJ to pass the salt shaker.
What is up with the loud music? Ok, ok...enough bitching on my part. There are a couple of bright spots, one was price point. There was five of us there for lunch and the bill was less than fifty bucks. We sat there for a couple of hours and they never pressed us to hit the road. They kept topping up our tea which is great especially when you are feeling like I was feeling. Now if only I could shake the image of that Ramen bowl from my brain.