Hello!!!!! Has Goodwill lost their mind with their pricing?!?! What in the actual heck?!? I thought Goodwill was supposed to be a bargain hunters paradise?!? Women's shirts are $6/shirt minimum, kids clothes $5/piece....I can get these prices at Wally any day and certainly on Targets clearance rack for new stuff! This stuff was donated, donated to help people find affordable clothes for the family! These people are awfully proud of their merchandise that was given to them out of the kindness of strangers hearts! Kids clothes used to be $2.22/item, women's shits were like $2.97, this is insanity! Yes I'll give it to them, the shelves were fully stocked, Infact overflowing.....know why?$?? Because people weren't purchasing bag or cart loads they were buying onesies and twosies because Goodwill has gone nutso with their pricing! Value is no longer there! Back it off Goodwill, people will catch on and I'd hate to see a once good thing disappear altogether!