| - last night was an EPIC FAIL for Beck Taxi!!!! So background info: I'm a black female, I live at Jane and Steeles, I work at a bar/nightclub in downtown Toronto, last night was our holiday party(yes late, but better than not having one at all) there was some drinking involved(we are bar people that's a given) obviously I'm taken a cab home as its after 1am in the morning, plus it's cold as heck these past few days here in Toronto. I hail a cab at Bathurst and Queen...oh, i'm in 4 inch heels by the way(very important part to this story). I get in the cab, tell him where I need to go to, he starts driving. We get almost to St.Clair and he says to me...wait for it...."PLEASE PREPAY YOUR FARE" ....Excuse you!!!!!! Have you bumped your head??? Prepay??? What the heck is that. He proceeds to try and justify this crap by telling me because of the area I'm going, I have to pay for my fare before we arrive. Inside I was dying with laughter cause this was some funny stuff....NOT!!!!!! Long story short, I call Beck....the silly little girl on the line tries to convince me she's the manager, yes cause most mangers are sitting around with their staff at ! something in the morning...ME THINKS Not!!!!!!!! She says to me...wait for it...It's a BY-LAW and it's been in place since June of 2014!!! I ask why isn't such an important, ridiculous piece of info posted anywhere in the vehicle. She says it's up to the driver's discretion if he wants to post it. Again, ME THINKS NOT!!!! I hung up on her as my tolerance for stupid is not high at all. I told the driver, please pull over so I can get out. He stopped, I paid the $14, and told him I wish this same thing happens to his wife or daughter. How dare he leave a female on the side of the road!!!!! This so called BY-LAW is biased/prejudiced...against people who reside in the Jane area...most importantly, against black people as they make up a huge majority of the population in that area. Beck Taxi and all other companies were so vocal about their disapproval with new company Uber, taking business from them, but I'm sure they don't have filthy practices like telling people to prepay for a ride. Also, how the hell would I know how much to give you????? We going to estimate??? I refuse to be part of this nonsense. I used to take Beck weekly. I don't plan on it anymore. I'm Canadian, what's a little cold weather!!!!
I urge you to find another means of transportation until Beck either amends this ridiculous By-Law or Management forces all drivers to display the By-Law card in plain site in their vehicle. Also, make it applicable to everyone, not just Black people, and predominantly Black areas.